SDR Control for Icom MacOS version 2.9.33 released
- Compatible to macOS Big Sur, Monterey and Ventura
- Runs natively on M1/M2 Silicon as well as Intel Macs
- Complete operation of your Icom Transceiver in all modes
- Use the App local or to remote access of your Transceiver from any place without additional Hard- or Software
- Dual VFO support (single Waterfall)
- DualWatch support (Audio from both VFOs at the same time)
- Maintain Memories with import and export
- Logbook with auto logging, ADIF Im-/Export, Log submission via LOTW,
- UDP Log submission when using external logging software
- Integrated full featured FT8 / FT4 Tool (no external software requited)
- New: Integrated PSK Tool to operate in several PSK Modes
- New: Integrated CW Decoder
- Integrated CW Keyer
- Integrated RTTY encoder / decoder
- Integrated HF / WE-Fax decoder
- CAT Server to integrate other external Software
- DX-Cluster integration
- Spots (from FT8, DX-Cluster) will be displayed in Waterfall
- Band limits and Band-Modes will be displayed in Waterfall
- Individual Alerts for most wanted Calls
- Call sign lookup integrated
- Displays Calls on Map with heading and distance information
- MIDI Controller support
- And much more…
- An Icom IC-705, IC-7610, IC-9700 or IC-7300 Transceiver or IC-R8600 Receiver
- The Transceiver needs to be connected to your Network (WiFi or LAN or USB)
- No USB cable needed (except for the IC-7300 which requires USB)
- A Mac which runs at least Mac OS Big Sur, ideally Ventura
- Find out more here:
- Read the Manual:
Version 2.9.33 contains the following changes and improvements:
- The foot-switch will now also work in FM or digital modes
- For the foot-switch, it is now possible to select the Serial cable pin to use
- The pins for the Paddle Serial connection have been swapped. Note: You may need to check or uncheck the Swap Paddles setting in the CW Mode Tool
- Improved Tracking mode. You can now right click the TR button for reverse Tracking, indicated by TR-
- A few additional minor issues were fixed
Please use the CONTACT DEVELOPER feature inside the App to report any issue so it can be fixed real quick.
SDR Control for MacOS is available for $99.99 now on the Mac AppStore.