SkookumLogger v4.9 now available

Bill Myers, K1GQ has released the latest version of the contest logging software SkookumLogger for macOS.

SkookumLogger is a contest logging program for macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or later, available on the App Store. The app is self-contained, except that you will need to install drivers for your serial hardware if it uses a type of USB-serial adapter not supported by macOS.

The SkookumLogger Guide documents everything about SkookumLogger. The guide is available in the Help menu. You can interact publicly with me and other users via the SkookumLogger group at

If you are experienced with other contest logging software, beware. SkookumLogger is not like other loggers, and you may become confused and frustrated. Consult the Introduction and Setup sections in the SkookumLogger Guide to get started. Also, ask questions on the SkookumLogger forum.

Some SkookumLogger Features

  • Any number of QSOs per log
  • Two QSO entry boxes supporting interleaved SO1R, SO2V, SO2R/2BSIQ with one keyboard
  • Duplicate checking as callsigns are entered
  • Exchange Archive (personal call history file) for exchange pre-fill
  • Partial callsign matching against log, Exchange Archive, and Super Check Partials (SCP) database
  • Integrated download of the SCP and cty.dat databases
  • Integrated Cabrillo upload to support SCP
  • Separate activity table windows (like band maps) for each contest band
  • Multiplier checksheets for countries, regions, prefixes, zones, grids, other
  • Time Tracker and Rate Tracker panels
  • Score window with band breakdown and scoring for most contests
  • Bidirectional DX Cluster packet spotting interface, with skimmer and QSX support
  • CW call type-ahead and CW keyboard mode
  • Context-sensitive, queued message sending for CW, SSB (using radio DVR), FSK/PSK (using radio encoder)
  • Voice Keyer using text-to-speech and Personal Voice Apple technologies to send SSB messages
  • Magic Message, like ESM with user-defined trigger key
  • Great circle maps with terminator and antenna pattern overlays
  • Audio recorder for QSOs, entire contests, arbitrary snippets
  • SkookumNet networking for multi-operator/multi-transmitter configurations
  • Amplifier standby/operate and drive power controls
  • Rotator direction display and control
  • Panadapter display with graphical known-activity overlays and radio frequency control
  • K1EL WinKeyer with KEY1/KEY2 management
  • YCCC SO2R Box+ and YCCC SO2R Mini interfaces, including their WinKeyer emulations
  • YCCC MOAS antenna switch interface
  • XK-24 Keypad interface with red/blue backlights
  • Cabrillo export for submitting log entries
  • ADIF and CSV export for moving contest QSOs to a general-purpose logger
  • Automated log submission via Apple Mail and via web browser
  • Statistics report for post-contest analysis of your contest log
  • CW Practice mode for SO1R and SO2R/2BSIQ, simulating run and pounce pileups with realistic propagation

Changes in version 4.9 2024-08-06


  • SkookumLogger now tries harder to guess and pre-fill exchange fields as a call sign is entered. Information sources other than logged QSOs and your Exchange database are consulted, such as oblasts in the Countries file and IARU societies in a list of society codes for DXCC codes. Pre-fills now include “DX”, “–“, and the DXCC country code for the call, depending on contest rules. As before, SkookumLogger does not block you from logging a QSO with an empty exchange field, but does flag the QSO as Suspect.
  • The “Do not use the Exchange database” Logging setting prevents using your exchange database as an information source for exchange pre-fill, for contests that prohibit use of call history files.
  • The ESM (Enter Sends Message) feature introduced in SkookumLogger 4.8 has been modified to use stateless logic similar to that in the DxLog logger. The Guide describes the logic and how to use it.
  • KPA1500 Serial, like KPA1500 TCP, now supports pre-setting the amplifier antenna tuner per-antenna and per-band. This feature is requires beta KPA1500 firmware and is currently disabled; contact me for details.
  • The title of the Activity window for a radio now includes the name of the radio, unless less both radios are on the same band. Don’t do that.


  • Updated for rules changes for the Salmon Run QSO party.


  • Zone multipliers edits in IARU HF Championship were logged correctly but the prefilled value was use in scoring, as shown in the Zone Checksheet and possibly in the Notes log column. Thanks W6FB.
  • Cleaned up handling of zone entries to pre-fill with leading zeros suppressed and ignore leading zeros when user logs them.
  • Prevent crash when using the voice keyer in 1T2R Pounce mode. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • The Run Partials pane overlay for Partner Mode was hidden behind the pane. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • SkookumLogger was getting into a confused state requiring a restart if the Reenable button was chosen in the Alert that appeared when radio polling timed out while the serial connection was still functioning. That button is gone. To quickly recover from a radio polling timeout, click the radio’s status button in the Log window’s status bar. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • The Z(one) multiplier column in the Log table was hidden for contests like IARU HF Championship where zone is entered in the Info field instead of a dedicated Zone entry field.

The latest version of SkookumLogger is available free of charge for download here or visit the App Store.