RUMlogNG2Go for iOS version 6.3.12 now available
RUMlog is a contact logging tool for amateur radio, very similar and log file compatible to the Mac logger RUMlogNG.
- Use the same log file on your Mac computer
- 4 user definable logging fields
- Exchange the logs via iTunes File sharing, iCloud or Files
- Import ADIF files via email, clipboard, iCloud or Files
- Export ADIF files via email, clipboard, iCloud or Files
- Log your QSOs up to 3cm
- Logging includes DXCC, heading and distance calculations
- eQSL and/or LoTW users will be identified during logging
- Can save your current position into the Note field, useful for portable or mobile operation
- Sunset and sunrise calculations
- RUMlog keeps track of your worked and confirmed countries
- Direct log upload to eQSL (iPad only)
- Direct QSL download from eQSL
- Direct QSL download from LoTW
- Direct log/QSO upload to Club Log
- Integrated telnet DX cluster, including a spot collector
- DX cluster command macros
- LoTW ans eQSL users are marked in a dx spot
- Real Time Grayline Map, showing short and log path to the station
- and integration
- Basic data exchange with Elecraft, Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu transceivers using the Pigtail hardware ( or a Bluetooth LE interface (iPad and few TRX only)
- Full control panel for Elecraft K3, KX3 and KX2 (iPad only)
- Direct IC-705 control over Bluetooth LE for iPad and iPhone
- Work RTTY, PSK and CW using the Elecraft transceivers built in functions (iPad only)
- DXCC table with counter (including Deleted DXCCs)
RUMlogNG2Go for the iPhone and iPad can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes store. More information on RUMlogNG2Go can be found on Tom’s website,
What’s New in Version 6.3.12
- Fix: Crash during Bluetooth pairing with an IC-705 – nx Nils, DB6NL