MacLoggerDX Version 6.50 released.
MacLoggerDX – the Mac Ham Radio Logbook choice in 148 countries….
Organizing and filtering the spots from your favorite DX Cluster for DXing, casual Contesting or rag-chewing. MacLoggerDX supports more than a hundred radios, automatically tuning to the spots you are interested in, swinging your beam around. Alerting you to rare contacts or Band Openings and looking up, displaying on 2D, 3D and Satellite Maps and logging your contacts to a super fast sql database. MacLoggerDX can also text or email you when the Bands are open or that rare DX is spotted. Awards Tracking, Band Activity, Schedules, Memories, QSL Generation, ADIF import, export, Club Log integration, eQSL, LoTW, IOTA Confirmations and much more.
- SQLite super fast data base, 100% Native macOS app.
- Club Log, QRZ Logbook, LoTW, HRDLOG and eQSL QSO upload, LoTW and eQSL Confirmations.
- Log directly from WSJT-X, JTDX, JS8Call and automatically upload to Club Log, QRZ Logbook, LoTW, HRDLOG and eQSL.
- DX Lab Suite Commander TCP Radio CAT server for WSJT-X.
- Interfaces with wfview Open Source software for Icom transceivers.
- Log directly from MacDoppler satellite tracking software.
- Internal databases updated daily over the Internet.
- QRZ XML, HamCall, HamQTH, QRZCQ and WM7D Call Books.
- 2D and 3D display of DX Cluster Propagation by Band.
- Filtered DXCluster, WSJT-X, JTDX spots color coded for worked/confirmed status.
- Band Activity Display.
- CW Keyer Supports K1EL WinKeyer for Mac, and ZLPsDigiMaster.
- Text To Speech and Record/Playback audio files keyer.
- Exports ADIF, SOTA CSV, KML, Imports ADIF, SOTA CSV.
- 2D, 3D & Web Map Full Screen Mode.
- 2D Map VUCC Grid square overlay.
- DXpedition Tracker with Band/Mode Alarms.
- NCDXF/IARU Beacon tracking.
- DX Alarms including Band Openings, specififc calls, missing DXCCs.
- DX/Contest mode data entry.
- Mode mapping and user band plans.
- Echo frequency over USB/Serial for amplifiers, SteppIR, etc.
- AppleScriptable.
- SOTA, POTA Grid lookup, DXCluster spot SOTA, POTA decode.
- HB9BZA LoTW user list. SKCC number list updates.
- Label Printing – Address or QSO Details – sheet or Dymo.
- Spot integration with dogparkSDR FlexRadio 6000 client.
- Google Earth Pro support.
- Update exisiting log entries with Call Book.
- Contest Helper with K5ZD call completion and by-band Dupe Checking.
- QSL print and email.
- SWL Schedules, Rig Control and Memory Scanning.
- Speed Log for entering old paper log and QSL card data.
- Online and built-in Mac Help.
Supported Radios
- Elecraft K2 (with KIO2) and K2/100, K3, K3S, KX2, KX3, K4.
- Kenwood TS-50, TS-60, TS-440S, TS-450, TS-480, TS-570, TS-590S, TS-590SG, TS-670, TS-690, TS-790, TS-850, TS-870, TS-890S, TS-940S, TS-950S,TS-950SDX, TS-990S,TS-2000, R-5000.
- Icom IC-703, IC-705, IC-905, IC-706, IC-706MkII, IC-706MkIIG, IC-718, IC-735, IC-736, IC-737, IC-746, IC-746Pro, IC-751, IC-756, IC-756Pro, IC-756ProII, C-756ProIII, IC-7000, IC-7100, IC-7200, IC-7300, IC-7400, IC-7410, IC-7600, IC-7610, IC-7700, IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851, IC-9100, IC-9700, IC-765, IC-775, IC-781, IC-910, IC-970, R71A, R75, R8500, R9000, PCR-1000, PCR-2500.
- Yaesu FT-710, FTdx10, FTdx101D,FTdx101MP, FTdx1200, FTdx3000, FTdx5000, FTdx9000, FT-2000, FT-1000MP, FT-1000D, FT-991, 991A, FT-990, FT-950, FT-920, FT-900, FT-897, FT-891, FT-890, FT-857, FT847, FT-840, FT-817, FT-818, FT-757GXII, FT-450, FT-100, VR-5000.
- JRC JST-245, NRD-525, NRD-535, NRD-545.
- Drake R8B.
- Ten-Tec Jupiter, Argonaut V, Argonaut VI, Orion, Eagle, RX-320, RX-350, Pegasus, Omni VI, Omni VII.
- Racal 6790/GM, Alinco DX-77, Rockwell-Collins HF-2050, Collins/AOR DDS-2A
- DZKit SIenna.
- XieGu G90, X6100
- SunSDR2 Pro, DX, QRP, MB1, Colibri – ExpertSDR2,3 TCI.
- FlexRadio 6000 series LAN.
- AOR AR8200, AR8600, AR5000, AR3000A, AR7030.
- Hamlib NET rigctld client. e.g. connect to wfview server.
Supported Rotor Controllers
- Yaesu GS-232
- hy-gain DCU-1 Pathfinder
- hy-gain YRC-3
- Green Heron
- SARtek
- Easy-Rotor-Control (ERC)
- M2 RC2800
- Idiom Press RotorCard SDX
- Prosistel CBOX
- AlfaSpid
- Radant AZ
- Hamlib NET rotctld client
What’s New in version 6.50:
- Requires OS X 10.13 or later.
- macOS 11,12,13,14 (Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma) supported.
- Apple Silicon or Intel (Universal) application.
- Disable Keyer button if open.
- Alarm spots show in all spot searches.
- Added email QSL preamble default.
- Added FM-Wide to IC-705 driver.
- Added Spot State, IOTA, SOTA, POTA Search fields.
- Added Kenwood TS-890S Filter Passband width display.
- Added sig, my_sig to Log table and Report.
- Added WSJT-X Log ADIF UDP pref.
- Unconfirmed Bands columns added to DXCC Awards panel and Report.
- Cluster prefs Worked, Confirmed by band.
- Added Spots panel column selections.
- LoTW upload TQSLLib Error(5) tmp file bug fixed.
This is a free update for all Version 6 customers and can be downloaded from: