MacHamRadio Privacy Policy
It’s time to review our privacy and advertising policies here at MacHamRadio (MHR). This is a post that we will continue to repeat every year.
Your privacy is very important to MHR. We will never sell or release any contact information that you share with us unless we are required to do so by law. The majority of our services, including website subscription and user surveys, are maintained in-house and we will not share our subscriber information with anyone, unless required to do so by law.
The MHR user forum is an independent service hosted by QRZ. The QRZ privacy policy can be read here.
MacHamRadio has a presence on Twitter and Facebook. As such, you (as a subscriber) and us (as a content provider) are governed by the advertisement and privacy policies of those services. We have no control over their policies; so if you don’t like the way those services function, then don’t use them to follow MHR. We will not sell advertising on either of these sites targeted at our followers (or anyone else for that matter).
We want our users to comment on articles, but in order to reduce spam on our website, we do require authentication before you can post a comment. You’ll need to do one of the following before you can post comments on our website:
- Provide your email address and name when commenting
- Login to your account
- Login to your account (’s privacy policy)
- Login to your Twitter account (Twitter’s privacy policy)
- Login to your Facebook account (Facebook’s privacy policy)
- Login to your google plus account (Google’s privacy policy)
When commenting on posts, you can customize the picture which appears next to your comment by signing in to your account, or by using gravitar. You don’t have to login to any of the services above, we include them as options to make commenting and customization easier, but if you don’t like them, don’t use them, it’s not required.
You can also share MacHamRadio posts via various social media, including Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and Linkedin (and that’s a cool thing to do, because it lets other people see interesting stuff about Amateur Radio). If you choose to use these services to share MacHamRadio content, you’re subject to their privacy policies.
MacHamRadio’s advertising policy is simple:
- We will never place advertising on any website or service controlled by MHR.
- We will never create promoted postings disgused as blog entries.
- We will never sell or release any subscriber information held by MHR to any marketing or advertising agency.
- We will not accept funding from outside sources.
- We will continue to keep MHR independent and free from outside influence.
73 de MacHamRadio Admin