Know of any good software or hardware which other Mac Ham Radio users should know about? Please submit your new links or product updates here.
We welcome information about all OS X, iOS, and web-based amateur radio applications. Want to write a review of a software package or hardware? Please contact us!
- Coax Line is a simple and fast app that allow you to calculate the loss of your coax line and calculate power output from your antenna system.
- CocoaNec CocoaNec is a Mac OS X application intended primarily for the design and modeling of antennas.
- DX Toolbox DX Toolbox gathers information from the web on solar and geomagnetic conditions that affect radio propagation. It displays in real-time Solar Flux, A-Index, K-Index, and much more.
- RF Toolbox RF Toolbox (formerly Antenna Master) is an antenna design electronics/electrical tool package . It takes you step by step through the design of a variety of antenna types including Dipole, Fat Dipole, Yagi, J-Pole and more.
- Rotor
Rotor is a full-featured antenna rotor control app for macOS. It can control up to 9 rotors. It is able to track stations and satellites automatically with both azimuth and elevation and currently supports SPID, Yaesu (GS-232A/B), DCU-1 and EasyComm rotor protocols. In connection with the Ham Radio Logger RumLogNG or WSJT-X Rotor can control your antenna direction fully automatically.
- SimSmith A Java-based application for development of Smith charts. Written by AE6TY for use with OS X, Windows, and Linux.
- T-Network Tuner Simulator This is a simulator for the popular, series capacitor, parallel inductor T-network tuners. As a java applet/application, you can run this program through your web browser.
- Transmission Line Caculator Java A transmission line caculator Java applet that can be run on your computer or by using your web browser and the Internet. See instructions for downloading and running on your computer.
- VOACAP (Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program) is free professional high-frequency (HF) propagation prediction software from NTIA/ITS, originally developed for Voice of America (VOA).
- Yagi Modeler This java applet/application implements a simple yagi modeling code. The initial input is a really trivial 2-element yagi.
- Amadeus Pro Amadeus Pro is a powerful multitrack audio editor supporting a variety of formats including MP3, AAC and more. Has a variety of tools for adjusting audio, making sonograms or performing spectrum analysis of your recordings.
- Audacity Audacity is a free, easy-to-use open-source and cross-platform audio editor. You can use Audacity record, import/export, edit and perform detailed analysis of any recording.
- Audiocorder Audiocorder is a sophisticated yet easy to use audio recording program that allows you to record from any audio source connected to your Mac with a click of a button.
- AudioXplorer Simple-to-use audio analysis and waveform visualization tool. It is now retired but we have used it and it works well.
- iSpectrum iSpectrum is a free, simple and easy to use audio spectrum analyzer that allows the user to view live audio in a standard frequency plot as well as a waterfall display.
- Loopback Cable-Free audio routing through virtual audio cables. Ideal for connecting ham radio software to a variety of inputs and outputs.
- Mac The Scope Professional quality signal analyzer, 1/3 octave RTA, signal generator, and more. Perform real-time analysis using your Mac’s sound input for the signal source.
- SignalScope SignalScope is a signal analyzer designed to work with Mac OS X compatible audio hardware. It functions as a FFT analyzer as well as an oscilloscope. Also available in a Pro version.
- Sound Siphon Cable-free routing of audio between any applications using virtual audio devices. An excellent way to connect SDRs and other radios to a variety of input and outputs.
- Waavebox Versatile, real-time, precision signal / waveform generator. Precision waveform generation with 6 digit frequency resolution and an intuitive, easy to use analog-style signal generator user interface.
- WavePad Full featured audio editor for Mac OS X v10.4 or newer as well as iPad. Free for home use, or purchase for full access to professional features.
- Amateur Radio Newsline Your independent source for Amateur Radio news for today’s radio amateur. An active part of the amateur community for more than 35 years!!!
- Amateurfunk mit Apple Facebook page dedicated to OS X and iOS amateur radio. Mostly in German.
- ARRL Mags
If you're a member of ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio, install this app and have QST, the ARRL membership journal, delivered to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch every month!
QST entertains and informs with news, construction projects, tutorials and much more. That's why it is the most widely read Amateur Radio publication in the world. The digital version of QST goes even further with content not found in the printed journal.
- Dog Park Software Mailing List Generic mailing list for all of Dog Park Software’s products.
- dogpark SDR Mailing List Mailing list for support of dogparkSDR software.
- Ham Nation – TWiT.TV Ham Nation is an ongong podcast hosted by Bob Heil, Gordon West, George Thomas, Don Wilbanks and Cheryl Lasik and brought to you by TWiT.TV
- Ham-Mac Mailing List Email reflector for ham radio operation on Macs.
- Linuxham Mailing List Mailing list for support of Fl* software on Linux and OS X.
- Mac Amateur Radio Digital Applications – by WR5E
The Mac-Based Amateur Radio Digital Applications - Installation and Integration guide below is a guide for setting up your Mac-based system interfaced with an HF transceiver for operating the HF digital modes with Macintosh-based applications.
- Mac Radio Mailing List Yahoo mailing list for amateur radio using Macs. Great knowledge base, but low activity level.
- MacHamRadio’s Facebook page.
- MacLoggerDX Mailing List Support mailing list for MacLoggerDX logbook program.
- Amateur Radio News and videos
- DesignWorks for Mac Draw, save, edit and print complete professional circuit diagrams using powerful features like bussing, multi-level Undo/Redo, and automatic gate packaging.
- KiCad KiCad is an open-source cross-platform schematic capture software package for circuit design.
- LTspice IV LTspice IV is a powerful simulation and schematic capture, PCB layout and 3D viewer package for OS X, Windows and Linux.
- MacSpice 3 MacSpice simulates and analyses electronic circuits that can range in complexity from a single resistor to an integrated circuit comprising tens-of-thousands of devices.
- Osmond PCB Osmond PCB is a flexible Macintosh application that allows anyone to easily design printed circuit boards. Continuously updated, flexible, and easy-to-use.
- PCBWarrior PCBWarrior is a PCB-Layout software for older systems. Includes an easy, intuitive workflow with no limitation in board size, part count or layers.
- Physics 101 SE Complete Physics calculator including circuit design. Build a virtual series-parallel resistor circuit with mulitple voltage sources. Check the currents anywhere in the circuit and find the power, current and voltage through every resistor!
- Solve Elec Software for electronic circuit analysis and resolution. With Solve Elec you can draw and analyze electrical circuits (AC or DC), get literal formulas and values for current and voltages, verify circuit equations, draw graphs, and more.
- Cab Converter Cab-converter(TM) is a program that helps amateur radio contesters by converting a log from a radio contest into the Cabrillo file format which may be submitted to the contest.
- Contest Log Analyzer
Compare, analyze and extract valuable data from your competitors’ logs to help you better understand their strategy. Contest Log Analyzer is able to import Cabrillo and ADIF files. The latest release includes a DIG mode, a WARC Band import feature as well as a summary, useful for DXPedition Log analysis..
- Worldwide home for contesting information and advice.
- Country Contest Files Updated country files for use in most contesting software as well as some general logging and digital mode software.
- SM3CER Contest Service European-centric website dedicated to HF contesting.
- WA7BNM Contest Calendar Excellent website with comprehensive contest coverage, RSS feed and iCal interface as well.
- The iOS app allows you to obtain immediate, real-time access to current APRS position information, weather reports, telemetry graphs, and more. Zoom and browse around the world and see stations immediately – no waiting.
- Cocoa Modem 2.0 Digital mode software that supports RTTY, PSK, MFSK, Hellschreiber, CW, and ASCII transmission along with SITOR-B, HF Fax and Synchronous AM reception. Developed by W7AY.
- D-Rats D-RATS is a small application designed to provide data communication capabilities with D-STAR radios. It supports text chatting, file transfers, position reporting and mapping, and much more!
- Fldigi Open source digital modes program that supports Contestia, CW, DominoEX, Hellschreiber, MFSK, MT63, NAVTEX/SITOR-B, Olivia, PSK, RTTY, Thor, Throb, WeFax and more. Developed by W1HKJ.
- GGMorse Decode Morse code audio back into text using your phone or tablet. The application automatically detects the frequency and speed of the input signal and displays the decoded text in real-time.
- GPSy Connects your Macintosh to a broad range of Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, Loran-C, DECCA, and OMEGA navigational units.
- GridTracker
is a companion program for WSJT-X. It listens to WSJT-X or JTDX decodes and displays them on a map for Linux, Mac, and Windows . Display on a large second monitor in your amateur radio club, hamfest or as a demonstration in a classroom. Everyone gets excited when they can see what you’re doing!
- iWSPR TX iWSPR TX is a WSPR implementation for iPhone and iPad that allows you to transmit and receive WSPR signals with just your iOS device and a simple audio cable connected to your radio. It’s great for checking an antenna during a SOTA operation, field day, or making adjustments to your home antenna system.
- JS8Call S8Call is a derivative of the WSJT-X application, restructured and redesigned for keyboard-to-keyboard message passing.
- JT-Bridge Software that watches WSJT-X for CQ and flags new callsigns or new/unconfirmed DXCC entities. Can log entries to MacLoggerDX, RUMlogNG, and Aether as well. Written using Xcode and Swift.
- JT-Mapper
is a utility to map JT9, JT65 and WSJT-X stations in real time.
- MacGPS Pro MacGPS Pro is software for linking a GPS Receiver to any Macintosh. It allows import of maps, and supports real-time positioning, tracking, waypoints, and much more.
- MacWinKeyer K1GQ’s OS X native application for complete operation and settings on WinKeyer.
- Mobilinkd Config App for iOS
An iOS app to configure the Mobilinkd TNC3 packet radio modem. Adjust audio input and output gain, PTT signalling to match your radio, power configuration and KISS parameters for packet radio.
- Mobilinkd TNC Configuration for macOS
A native macOS utility for configuring the Mobilinkd family of TNCs. It allows one to monitor the input volume, adjust the output volume, set the KISS parameters, and various other parameters of the Mobilinkd TNCs.
- Morse Decoder Takes audio input from the microphone or other input source, decodes Morse Code, and displays the text on the screen. Includes a variety of options.
- Morse Decoder AI for iPad is an application for decoding Morse code signals using artificial intelligence.
- Morse Decoder for iOS Takes audio input from the microphone, decodes Morse Code, and displays the text on the screen. Includes a variety of options.
- Morse Mania: Learn Morse Code
Morse Mania is a fun and educational game for iPad and iPhone that helps you master the Morse code by advancing through 270 exciting levels in either audio, visual or vibration mode.
- Multimode MultiMode allows you to decode and transmit morse code, RTTY, FAX, SSTV, SITOR-B, NAVTEX, PACKET, ACARS, PSK31, ALE, and more without any extra hardware.
- MultiScan 3B Send and receive analog SSTV in most common modes. Functional, but with problems on newer version of OS X/macOS.
- PocketPacket APRS client for iOS and OS X incorporating a software-based TNC; allowing you to directly capture, visualize, or encode and transmit packets using a VHF transceiver or internet connection.
- PSKer PSK31 send and receive client for iOS, complete with configurable macros, automatic frequency locking, realtime sonogram, and support for mic and line-in as well as speaker and line-out.
An APRS® client application exclusively for the macOS platform. It connects to the APRS network via radio or Internet to help operators receive, transmit, and visualize information being shared over APRS.
- RadioMail Winlink client app for the iPhone. With RadioMail, you can easily send and receive Winlink emails via telnet or pair with modems to exchange emails over the air.
- SSTV iOS client to send or receive SSTV using an audio connect cable, or simply set your iPad or iPhone next to your radio’s speaker and microphone.
- WSJT-X WSJT-X implements communication protocols or "modes" called FT8, JT4, JT9, JT65, QRA64, ISCAT, MSK144, and WSPR, as well as one called Echo for detecting and measuring your own radio signals reflected from the Moon. These modes were all designed for making reliable, confirmed QSOs under extreme weak-signal conditions.
- WSPR Watch
Utility for ham radio users of the WSPRnet, PSKReporter or Reverse Beacon network. Quickly shows who can hear you and details of each spot.
- WSPR-X Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) software for analysis of propagation paths using very weak signals. Supports automatic online reporting of receptions reports.
- WSPRLite Configuration Tool for OSX allows you to configure your SOTABEAMS WSPRLite transmitter.
- Xastir APRS software; requires XFree86/XDarwin (X windows); instructions for installing on the Mac with OSX are provided in read me files included with package.
- xKEY
Remote Keying Interface for the Flex 6000 series radios running on macOS.
- YAAC “Yet Another APRS Client” is a platform-independent Java application that can be used as a stand-along APRS client, and RF-Internet gateway, or as an AX-25 router. Supports 11 different data reporting views and can be extended with user-developed plugins.
- EchoHAM (formerly EchoMac) This is a program for MacOS X to access the EchoLink system.
- EchoLink for iOS EchoLink for iOS.
- RepeaterPhone
RepeaterPhone provides the ability to connect your mobile device to EchoLink or AllStarLink nodes, including repeaters and conferences. Push to talk today!
- Transceive
Transceive allows Amateur Radio operators to connect to their AllStar node from anywhere in the world. Operators can administer linked nodes, monitor traffic, and transmit audio, all from the comfort of their Mac.
- DX Maps Excellent tool for finding and analyzing VHF/UHF openings. Available email notifications ensure you’ll never miss a VHF/UHF opening near you.
- HamAlert A system that allows amateur radio operators to get notifications when a desired station appears on the Reverse Beacon Network, SOTAwatch, the DX cluster or PSK Reporter.
- HamSpots Online DX Cluster with many specialized pages for clubs, specific digital modes, and more.
- iDxCluster iDXCluster is an easy to use DX Cluster program geared towards SW listeners, DXers, utility monitors, and others.
- Spot Spot is a DXCluster client program for Mac OS X that automated spot and announcement filtering, automatic call sign lookup, and more. Powerful tool for DXCluster analysis.
- SpotToSunFlex
MacOS utility to send spots from RUMlogNG to a FlexRadio or ExpertSDR2
- xCluster for iPad®
A visual display of dx cluster activity. DX spots are received via telnet or web services and displayed on a map of the world. You can filter the spots by call sign or band Spots are created using the latitude and longitude of the dx station and spotter.
- xCluster2
A visual display of dx cluster activity. DX spots are received via telnet or web services and displayed in a tabular form and plotted on a map of the world. You can filter the spots by call sign or band. You may also configure it to only show FT4/FT8 spots.
- Elecraft Software Configuration and update software for the Elecraft K-line of hardware, including the K3S, K3, KX3, P3, PX3, KPA500, KAT500, KXPA100, and more. Elecraft continues to be the only Amateur Radio equipment line that provides updates and software that actively supports users on OS X.
- FTDI VCP Drivers Signed drivers for FTDI devices. Some devices that don’t work properly with the default Apple FTDI driver function normally with this driver.
- Island Magic B.B. Link – Bluetooth Low Energy / Bluetooth Classic Adapter Adapter that connects iPhones and iPads to Kenwood TH-D75 and D74 radios. With it, iOS applications like RadioMail can fully utilize the radio's built-in KISS TNC packet modem. Plug it into the USB-C port of the phone, turn your radio on, and you're set.
- microHAM Interfaces High-end interfaces for rig control and digital modes. A variety of models and feature sets. Some products require use of “helper” applications on OS X like RUMrouter (DL2RUM) or uRouter (W7AY) while others work out-of-the-box with OS X and FTDI drivers.
- Mobilinkd TNC4 Battery-powered Bluetooth TNC designed for both APRS and general packet use. It is designed to interface with a wide range of mobile and base stations (as well as HTs). It has Bluetooth 4.2 support (dual-mode EDR/LE) iOS Compatible. the TNC4 uses a USB-C connector for charging and USB serial connections, support for M17 data modes, and a precision oscillator (TCXO) for improved symbol timing. The TNC4 is a 1200/9600 baud KISS TNC. It is capable of AFSK, GFSK and 4-FSK modulation. This tiny KISS packet modem is battery powered and can run for 48 hours of continuous use. Small and lightweight, the TNC measures 80x42x15mm (3.1x1.6x0.6") and weighs in at just 48g (1.75oz).
- Pignology, LLC Maker of unique remote-control and wireless-control solutions, such as PigRemote v2 and Piglet. Includes full support of OS X and is supported by RUMlog2Go on iOS.
- Prolific PL2303 Drivers Signed device drivers for the popular PL2303 USB-Serial devices.
- Radio Arena UK-based supplier of USB CAT, audio, ICOM CT-17 and other cables for all makes of radios. Many products are compatible with OS X.
- Silicon Labs VCP Drivers Signed device drivers for the popular Silicon Labs built-in UART devices used in Icom, Kenwood, and Yaesu equipment.
- Tigertronics SignaLink USB Arguably the most popular digital mode interface. Provides a high-quality, isolated external sound card and PTT capability (No rig control) in a compact package fully supported in OS X.
- Timewave Navigator High-performance interface with CAT, PTT, WinKeyer, and true FSK all from a single USB cable. Has yet to release signed drivers for OS X 10.10 and beyond.
- Tripplite USA-19HS USB-Serial Adapter USB-Serial adapter for OS X. Includes full driver support for Mac OS 8.6 through the latest versions of OS X!
- Valley Enterprises Supplier of a number of USB-Serial and USB programming cables for a wide variety of amateur and two-way radios.
- Elmer Elmer covers all elements, and prepares sample exams, which you take on your Mac. Each exam is graded, and you get to see which questions you missed.
- Ham Tests Ham Tests is an OS X or iOS application that provides practice tests for the U.S. amateur radio qualification exams. All three question pools are available. You can either take a randomly generated test or run through the entire question pool.
- Koch Trainer Koch Trainer is a morse code trainer for iOS and OS X that uses the Koch Method developed by the German psychologist Ludwig Koch in the 1930’s.
- Morse The Morse Code Teaching Machine software first described in QST, May 1977. This program teaches you to receive Morse code.
- Morse Runner is a Windows-based contest simulator developed by Alex Shovkoplyas, VE3NEA. Using Wineskin, it has been successfully and seamlessly run under OSX, and made available by Detrick Merz, KI4STU for download.
- MorseMania Morse Mania is a morse code tutor for OS X that provides three modules to help you learn morse code: (1) Learn Characters ; (2) Guess a Character and (3) Copy Groups.
- Practice Amateur Radio Exams are available online from QRZ.COM. These are interactive and will help you determine if you are ready to take your Amateur Radio license exam.
- Aether Aether is a logging application for Mac OS X and includes tools to quickly and easily log, organize, search and track your QSOs later. Designed for OS X, Aether has the clean, intuitive, friendly interface you’ve come to expect on a Mac.
- HAM-Toolbox
HAM-Toolbox provides a variety of useful Tools to help you operating your HAM-Radio.
The Tools are ranging from activity monitoring Tools like DX-Cluster and PSK-Reporter, to Tools helping you with resource information like Bandplan, Glossar, AWG and many more Tools.
With a one-time purchase you gain access to all of the following Tools on your iPhone, iPad and Mac.
- HamLog Logging software for OS X and iOS, as well as Android. Optimized for operating portable or mobile, such as during Field Day. Support rig control via Piglet wireless interface.
- HamLog FD A Field Day logger client for iOS, OS X and Android to talk with HamLog Field Day Server. Logs are synchronized with the FDS meaning you could use iPad’s at each station, all talking to the server, and keep the logs synchronized.
- HamLog FDS Server-side application to work with HamLog FD. Takes logs from all stations using HamLog FD on the same network and combines them to one log.
- HAMRS Pro – MacOS a simple, multi platform, portable logger designed specifically for portable activities, like Parks on the Air (POTS), Summits on the Air (SOTA) Field Days, and more.
- JLog Modern logging program that can run on all major platforms. Offers a nice, clean interface, support for CAT, CW keying, LoTW and eQSL, DX Cluster and much more.
- KLog Rewrite of former Linux-only KLog. Runs on OS X, Linux and Windows. Excellent multi-language support and expected logbook capabilities including QSL management, awards support, DX Cluster, Satellite and IOTA support, and more.
- MacLoggerDX The Swiss Army Knife of Amateur Radio. Logging software with CAT support for close to 100 radios, DX Cluster, 2D/3D maps, CW keyed, rag chew or contest modes, award tracking, QSL generation and MUCH more.
- MacLoggerDX HD for iPad iPad application that includes a logging function, DX Cluster to monitors spots, support for DXing, contesting or casual QSOs, log sync with MacLoggerDX, and much more.
- PulseQSO
PulseQSO is a new Amateur Radio logger available for MacOS, iOS & iPad OS and allows Amateur Radio stations to log their QSO correspondences and contact information. PulseQSO uses Apple’s iCloud to securely store all of your logbook data, keeping everything updated across all of your devices.
- QSO Upload Utility QSO Upload Utility sends new logged, deleted or edited contacts to several online services. Following online logbooks are currently supported:
- QSOMate
Ham radio logging application for iPhone, iPad, and macOS Desktop.
- RUMlog2Go Contact logging tool for amateur radio from DL2RUM. Similar to, and log file compatible, with OS X logger software RUMlog.
- RUMlogNG RUMlogNG is a logger especially made for the DXer by a DXer. Logging features are included for bands up to 1.2 cm. Support for LoTW, eQSL, ClubLog, Paper QSL label printing, along with CAT control of many rigs.
- SCR-Log SCR-Log is freeware for School, Club, and Individual class stations participating in the School Club Roundup.
- SkookumLogger SkookumLogger is a full-featured contest software package suitable for the most demanding contester.
- YeaLogger The YeaLogger is meant to be a simple and straight forward logging software for common HF band and common operating modes. Apparently no longer under development.
- Club Log A free web-based tool for producing DXCC league tables, expedition tools, log search services, online QSL requests, propagation analysis, and most-wanted lists for ham radio.
- eQSL Online electronic QSL service with easy-to-use setup and use. Maintains own awards program and “AG” (Authenticity Guaranteed) QSLs are valid for some none-eQSL awards as well, but NOT for ARRL awards.
- GlobalQSL Online QSL printing and shipping provider. Simply upload your ADIF file and your QSLs are professionally printed and then shipped via the bureau system. Cost competitive with paper QSLs with no hassle!
- HamQTH Free amateur radio call book. Includes call database including free XML search (for registered users), DX Cluster, Forums and more.
- is an independent online logbook, free for all Amateur Radio Operators. First launched in December 2008 as the online logbook of Ham Radio Deluxe, it is now integrated with many other logbook programs.
- Logbook of the World The ARRL’s official online QSL service. The only online service valid for ARRL awards and some CQ awards. Earn DXCC, WAS, WPX, and more without sending paper QSLs. The choice of most major DX, DXpedition, and contest stations.
- PSK Reporter Graphical presentation of spot reports, including from skimmers and reverse beacon systems, showing stations you can hear and who can hear you. Great for analyzing the performance of a new antenna or determining best time for a particular propagation path
- Callsign lookup, online QSL system, news, forums and more for the Amateur Radio community.
- TQSL Trusted QSL Software used to convert a log file (in ADIF or Cabrillo file format) into a file of digitally signed QSO data, ready for submission to ARRL’s LoTW.
- WSPRnet Reverse beacon network for WSPR mode. Allow you to see who you hear as well as who can hear you worldwide. Historical database contain more than 220 million spots.
- Cat-relay is a tool to change your SDR into a band scope/panadapter for your radio. It does this by synchronizing the frequencies and modes of your SDR software and your radio transceiver.
- Chirp Chirp provides frequency memory management for many Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu, and Wouxun handheld & mobile radios. It is free, open source, and cross platform written in Python.
- FLRig Part of the Fl* suite, Flrig is a transceiver control program designed to be used either stand alone or as an adjunct to Fldigi. Supports nearly 50 transceivers from Elecraft, Kenwood, Yaesu, TenTec, Icom and others.
- IC-R75 Navigator Allows Mac users to take control of their ICOM IC-R75 communications receiver through a serial port such as the ZLP CT62. Direct frequency entry, filter and mode control, and browsing of stored memories.
- KX3UI / K3UI / K2UI OS X apps to control Elecraft radios from your Mac using a wired serial port or using the Piglet wireless serial adapter. The app has a CW/DATA terminal using the radio’s CW/DATA decode functionality, user-defined macros, CW and VFO memories as well.
- MacK2 A Remote Control Program for the Elecraft K2 Amateur Radio Transceiver using the Apple Macintosh
- MacMemories Manager MacMemoriesManager provides amateur radio memory management for some radios. MacMemoriesManager is free but unsupported. Development discontinued in 2009.
- RT Systems radio programming software for MacOS RT Systems has released MacOS versions of their popular programming software for several radios.
- tk92 tk92 is open source software designed for Radio Shack PRO-92 and PRO-2067 multi-system trunking scanners. Chiefly intended for Linux, MacOS X, and BSD users.
- TS-Control For Kenwood an innovative Software Defined Radio (SDR) client designed specifically for macOS users, allowing comprehensive control and operation of your TS-890 Transceiver.
- VXU vxur allows reading from and vxuw allows writing to a Yaesu / Vertex Standard VX-5R (and similar) handheld radios in clone mode. These command line utilities allow easy backup of the rig memory.
- wfview
a program that allows many modern Icom ham radio transceivers (such as the IC-7300, IC-9700, IC-7610, IC-R8600, the IC-705, and many others) to be controlled via a computer.
- Without Wire
MacOS utility to stream audio from the Icom IC-705, IC-7610 and IC-9700.
- Wizkers:Radio is a rig controller, based on the Wizkers framework. It gives you not only direct access to VFOs and radio settings, but also provides a complete operation dashboard including memory, monitoring and graphing of all radio and amplifier parameters (temperature, power, voltage, current) as well as a terminal interface to operate digital modes (psk, cw, rtty).
- Artemis – Radio signal Identification
Artemis is software which makes identifying radio signals easier. Artemis is a multi platform software front-end to help you better sort, find and identify radio signals. You can look at waveforms for over 400 defined formats, as well as listen to audio samples. Included is a handy search feature that allows you to enter in the frequency or callsign of the signal you are hearing and Artemis will see if someone has previously identified it.
- Cocoa RTL Server Application to make a RTL dongle appear as a networked SDR using the RF Space protocol, for use with software like SdrDx.
- CubicSDR Open-source cross-platform SDR software for a wide variety of SDR receivers
- CuteSDR Basic SDR software, based upon Qt, for use on OS X with RF Space Software Defined Radios
- dogparkSDR SDR software for control of the Flex Signature Series SDR radios.
- FT-Control For YAESU an innovative Software Defined Radio (SDR) client designed specifically for macOS users, allowing comprehensive control and operation of select YAESU transceivers.
- FTDX10 Cockpit for macOS
a native macOS app for rig control, memory management, radio settings, and much more for the Yaesu FTDX10.
- Gnuradio GNU Radio is a free & open-source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios. It can be used with readily-available low-cost external RF hardware to create software-defined radios, or without hardware in a simulation-like environment. It is widely used in research, industry, academia, government, and hobbyist environments to support both wireless communications research and real-world radio systems.
- Gqrx SDR software supporting RFSPACE SDR-IP/SDR-IQ/NetSDR, FunCube Pro and Pro +, Ettus Research, RTL-SDR, HackRF Jawbreaker, AirSpy and more.
- MagicSDR
rtlsdr IOS interface which makes it possible to interactively explore RF spectrum using panadapter and waterfall visualization, demodulate and play AM, SSB, CW, NFM, WFM signals, collect frequencies.
- Peaberry CW This is an application for QSK CW on your Peaberry SDR. Use a key or paddle plugged directly into the key jack.
- rtl_tcp SDR for IOS
A RTL-SDR Software Defined Radio receiver app for iOS devices. Listen to AM, FM, SSB and CW radio signals. View an RF spectrum and waterfall. Connect, via the rtl_tcp network protocol, to networked RTL-SDR USB peripherals.
- SDR Receiver for IOS
A Software Defined Radio (SDR) that processes that streams data from an rtl_tcp, hfp_tcp or rsp_tcp server. Demodulates and plays AM, narrowband FM and wideband FM signals. Listen to communications from aircraft (AM), amateur repeaters and VHF handhelds, police and fire, NOAA weather reports (narrowband FM) and commercial broadcasts (wideband FM).
- SDR-Control for Icom
A full featured App to operate your Icom Transceiver at home or from around the world without additional Hardware or Software.
- SDR-Control for Icom – iPad version
SDR-Control is a full featured iPad App to operate your Icom Transceiver at home or from around the world without additional Hardware or Software.
- SDR-Control for Icom – iPad version
SDR-Control Mobile is a full featured iPhone App to operate your Icom Transceiver at home or from around the world without additional Hard- or Software.
- SDR++
A cross-platform and open source SDR software with the aim of being bloat free and simple to use.
- SDRangel
A multi platform general purpose software defined radio program that supports many SDR hardware.
- SDRconnect
is the next generation of software release from SDRplay for their RSP SDR products.
- SdrDx SDR software supporting RFSPACE, FunCube Pro, Andrus MK1.5, AFEDRI, FunCube Pro Plus, Peaberry, and Softrock SDR receivers. Developed by AA7AS.
- SmartSDR for IOS
is a full featured radio client that enables your iPad or iPhone to operate your FlexRadio device.
- SmartSDR for MacOS
is the Official FlexRadio Systems® Client for your Mac SmartSDR is a full featured FlexRadio client that enables your Mac to operate your FlexRadio device.
- xCW Memory Keyer for the Mac
The xCW memory Keyer can run on the Mac while SmartSDR for the Flex Radio 6000 series is running in a virtual PC or even on another PC on the same network. You do not need xDax or xCat as xCW Memory Keyer handles all control functions on its own. xCW works great with dogparkSDR, SmartSDR for IOS and xSDR6000 if you prefer an all Mac solution.
- xDAX xDAX provides a MacOS DAX audio interface to the FlexRadio SmartSDR
- xVoiceKeyer for Mac
xVoiceKeyer can run on the Mac with dogparkSDR or FlexRadio SmartSDR running in a virtual PC or even on another Mac or Microsoft Windows PC on the same network. You do not need xDax or xCat as SDR Voice Keyer handles all audio and control functions on its own.
- GPredict GPredict is a satellite tracking program designed for Linux, but able to be installed on OS X via use of MacPorts or Fink.
- MacDoppler MacDoppler will provide any level of station automation you need from assisted Doppler Tuning and Antenna Pointing right on up to fully automated Satellite Gateway operation.
- MoonSked Complete moon bounce tracking and scheduling solution. Realtime moon tracking, moon range and dB loss, mutual AZ/EL data, partial call finder, and much more.
- Predict PREDICT is a satellite tracking program designed primarily to run on Linux, but portable enough to run on Mac OS X thanks to the Unix underpinnings of OS X.
- Satellite Ham Radio (HamSat) for iOS HamSat is part of the Sat series of applications (ISS, HamSat and ProSat) and is a visualization/utility application that allows Ham Radio operators wanting to work the amateur ham radio satellites to see the location of the satellites in realtime over the Earth (up to two satellites may be tracked simultaneously).
- SatGazer
SatGazer is a software that provides rich visualizations for the positions of satellites in different ways on a map with footprint and predictions.
- SatPathFinder is an application for visualizing satellite orbits. Several views are available for this. The most important data is listed in a table. Overflight times can be calculated for the next seven days.
- SatSat is a satellite tracking software, for radio amateurs, scientists or hobbyists.
- XEphem Scientific-grade interactive astronomical ephemeris software package for UNIX-like systems. Always runs and builds easily under OS X and xquartz.
- Black Cat CW Keyer Black Cat CW Keyer lets you send morse code from your computer. You can type out the text to be sent (immediately or buffered) as well as create and send from one key macros.
- CI-V Redirect CI-V Redirect is a dock application that creates a fixed name for the IC-7610's USB CI-V port.
- CocoaPTT cocoaPTT is a simple MacOS X application for controlling the Request To Send (RTS) or the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) pin of a serial port via direct action, AppleScript, or via uRouter.
- Discover 7610 Discover 7610 is a program to enumerate the ports in the USB 1 connector in the rear panel of the Icom IC-7610.
- DOSBox DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms. Run old DOS software on OS X.
- EarthDesk EarthDesk replaces your static desktop picture with ever-changing maps of the world with correct sun and moon illumination. Eleven different projections with Political and Satellite maps and optional near-real-time HD cloud cover.
- GridTracker
is a companion program for WSJT-X. It listens to WSJT-X or JTDX decodes and displays them on a map for Linux, Mac, and Windows . Display on a large second monitor in your amateur radio club, hamfest or as a demonstration in a classroom. Everyone gets excited when they can see what you’re doing!
- iClock A menu clock replacement recently updated with HAM related information.
- JMM – Java Multi Meter JMM is data-acquisition software for digital multimeters equipped with a rs-232 port, such as the Metex 3850 and many others.
- JT-Mapper
is a utility to map JT9, JT65 and WSJT-X stations in real time.
- KAT500UI OS X application to control and display information from the Elecraft KAT500 automatic antenna tuner. Developed by DL2RUM.
- Q-Codes
Q-Codes for IOS is a free application which allows you to quickly and easy Lookup a Q-Code and its Question and/or Answer/Advice/Order Statement.
- RadarScope RadarScope is a specialized display utility that allows you to view NEXRAD Level 3 radar data and severe weather warnings from any NEXRAD radar site in the United States, Guam and Puerto Rico.. Uses real Level 3 radar data, not smoothed PNG or GIF images.
- Serial is a full featured serial terminal for the Mac. It allows you to connect your Mac to packet radio TNCs, amateur radio equipment (meters, controllers, etc), as well as raspberry pi, routers, switches, firewalls and IoT devices.
- Serial Tools Serial Tools is a set of serial port tools for Mac OS X. It includes a Terminal Emulator, a Protocol Analyzer and a serial port monitor to watch for connections and removals of serial ports.
- Software Defined Connectors
is a set of programs for amateur radio stations available for Windows and MacOS.
- Solar Data Widget Finally there is a Mac Dashboard Widget version of Paul Herrmans, N0NBH, solar terrestrial data!
- Status Clock
Status Clock shows an additional clock on your OS X status bar, with the time zone of your choice.
You can enable and disable the seconds as necessary.
- UTC Clock UTC Clock is a simple clock designed to display UTC (GMT, zulu, etc.) time under the menu bar clock. It uses very little resources, screen real estate, and no Dock space.
- VirtualBox VirtualBox is a cross-platform virtualization application that allows you to run multiple operating systems at the same time on your computer. With VirtualBox you can run Windows and Linux on your Mac, all alongside your existing Mac applications. You can install and run as many virtual machines as you like — the only practical limits are disk space and memory.
- WeatherCat WeatherCat is hardware weather station software for Macintosh computers.
- WeatherSnoop WeatherSnoop connects your Mac to your favorite weather station or Internet-based data source to provide you with a rich graphical representation of your weather data. Available in Lite and Pro versions.
- World Label Over 100 label templates for use with Pages, including Avery equivalent labels as well as other speciality labels.