200 is a magic number
I wanted to take a quick moment to thank all of the readers and followers of MacHamRadio. We have reached more than 200 followers each on Facebook and the email subscription list, and we’re just below that on Twitter with 195 followers as of this posting.
200 may not seem like a large number, but 200 active followers on each of the media platforms — all of whom have signed up since we moved to the new website approximately 90 days ago — means there is an audience of Mac amateur radio operators out there that sees value in what MacHamRadio.com is producing.
So, let me say thank you for following MacHamRadio.com.
In closing, remember that this website is nothing without each of you. I want to make this site something that reflects the interests of the users as much as my own. Feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions, or recommendations with me via email ([email protected]) or via the comments form on the website.
Additionally, as always, I welcome submissions for the Station Snapshot entries on the website. Simply send me a photo or two (optional) and a description of your station and I’ll share your station with other MacHamRadio users around the world.
73 and thanks for the support!