Autumn – A season of change
With autumn in the northern hemisphere comes a season of change; the weather changes from warm to cool, the forests change from verdant green to multi-hued shades of yellow, red, and brown, and the radio amateur prepares for the quiet season of winter DX. Along with the change in seasons, MacHamRadio will be undergoing some changes over the next few months. The plan is to transition to a new web platform that will allow us to provide a more dyanamic and exciting site with better support for mobile users, tighter integration with social media such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, and more overall enhancements to the MacHamRadio experience. The goal of this effort is threefold:
– to deliver a top-flight experience to our current readers
– to continue to provide the best possible coverage of Mac (and iOS) amateur radio products available on the web
– to grow our audience and reach even more while sharing the Ham Radio on Mac experience with everyone.
During the transition, it is our intention to keep the website up and running as much as possible, but there may be periods where the site could be down, possibly even for a one or two days. We will endeavor to keep any outages to a minimum and we will try to advise everyone when we know the site will be offline. Throughout the next several months, we thank you for your patience and we look forward to sharing the new MacHamRadio experience with everyone as soon as possible.