dogparkSDR v1.0 Public Beta now available
Dog Park Software is pleased to announce that version 1.0 Beta of dogparkSDR has been released.
dogparkSDR is the first Native Mac client for the Flex Radio Systems Signature series SDR Radios.
What’s in this version:
- OS X 10.9+ and Intel 64 bit Processor.
- OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) compatible.
- 1 Panadapter and 2 VFO Slices.
This is a free public Beta and can be downloaded here.
There is a 20 minute timeout on this Demo but it can be run multiple times.
Since 1991 Dog Park Software Ltd. has been providing the Amateur Radio community with the best in Ham for the Mac and iOS including MacLoggerDX, MacDoppler, MacLoggerDX for iPad, iSpectrum Audio Analyzer and now dogparkSDR.