dogparkSDR v1.0 released
Dog Park Software is pleased to announce that version 1.0 of dogparkSDR has been released. dogparkSDR is the first Native Mac client for the Flex Radio Systems Signature series SDR Radios.
dogparkSDR requires OS X 10.9+ and an Intel 64-bit processor and currently supports 1 Panadapter with 2 VFO slices.
With a lot of work done since the initial beta, dogparkSDR also includes:
- Mac (Remote) Audio added.
- Filter width/Presets added.
- Automatic Notch Filter added.
- Meters added.
- Equalizers added.
- FlexControl support added.
- Profiles support added.
- CWX support added.
- Quick Record/Playback support added.
- Edit Band buttons.
A free demo is available, but is time limited to 20 minutes per session. This demo is available here.
A full Single User License is available for $95 from the Dog Park Software website
Since 1991 Dog Park Software Ltd. has been providing the Amateur Radio community with the best in Ham for the Mac and iOS including MacLoggerDX, MacDoppler, MacLoggerDX for iPad, iSpectrum Audio Analyzer and now dogparkSDR.