decals available again

Back in January, I made some decals available to anyone interested in receiving them. I’ve made up another batch of decals and would like to again offer them to anyone who would like to receive them.

Each decal is approximately 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) in diameter. They are ideal for use on QSL cards or envelopes, or simply to place on any correspondence related to amateur radio. The following is a low-res image giving you an idea of what they look like.

If you’re interested in receiving a set of decals, please send me a self-addressed business-size envelope (#10 or DL size) and I will return two sheets (48 decals) for your use, free of charge. You don’t need to include postage on the return envelope; just make sure it is correctly addressed and I’ll pay the postage myself, even to international destinations!

Please send your request to my address as listed on QRZ:

I have to limit this offer to the first 20 requests I receive, so get those letters in the mail right away and you’ll receive your decals as soon as I can ship them out.

Show your support of Amateur Radio on OS X and of the MacHamRadio website today!


Dave (K3DCW)