RUMlogNG v2.11 now available
Tom Lindner (DL2RUM) recently released v2.11 of RUMlogNG for direct download or via the App Store.
Among the changes and additions are:
- RUMlog toggles PTT for Fldigi, while Fldigi in in Tune mode
- Callsign auto complete function in the Paper QSL In window
- Added an optional grid square overlay to the map window
- Found postal addresses from or can be used for address label printing
- Satellite list updated
- Grid squares can now save up to 10 digits
- User option to use local time zone in place of UTC
- QSO Note field can be prefilled with data from a previous QSO
- Added support for the European HF Championship, RDA Contest, YO DX HF Contest, KCJ Contest, and WAEDC CW/SSB/RTTY (including QTC traffic)
RUMlogNG is a HAM radio logging, QSL handling and printing tool, especially made for the short wave DXer, made by a DXer. Basic logging features are included for the higher bands up to 1.2 cm and for satellite. RUMlogNG can handle an unlimited number of logs and an unlimited number of QSOs per log. Clublog data are used for automatic DXCC recognition. A contest module is included and you can run RTTY directly using Fldigi or your Elecraft transceiver.
As always, RUMlogNG is available free of charge via the Mac App Store or for direct download HERE.