JS8Call version 2.1.1 has been released
Jordan, KN4CRD has released version 2.1.1 of JS8Call.
About JS8Call
JS8Call is an experiment to test the feasibility of a digital mode with the robustness of FT8, combined with a messaging and network protocol layer for weak signal communication on HF, using keyboard-to-keyboard style interface. JS8Call is heavily inspired by WSJT-X, Fldigi, and FSQCall and would not exist without the hard work and dedication of the many developers in the amateur radio community.
JS8Call is a derivative of the WSJT-X application, restructured and redesigned for keyboard-to-keyboard message passing. It is not supported by nor endorsed by the WSJT-X development group. While the WSJT-X group maintains copyright over the original work and code, JS8Call is a derivative work licensed under and in accordance with the terms of the GPLv3 license. Source code can be found in this public repository: https://bitbucket.org/widefido/wsjtx/
- Added decoder threshold extension for slow mode to prevent decode thrashing after tx - Added center filter spinbox implementation - Added ability to use legacy hamlib vfo definition - Added filter width parameter. Added filter center right click option. - Fixed ordering of filter controls and logic around min filter - Fixed table sorting by slow speed - Fixed widegraph width issues on larger monitors by centering the widegraph and extending the controls panel - Filter center, width, and min. Much easier to use. No cumbersome jumping around. - Spinbox label tweaks
What's new in version 2.1.0?
- A new slow speed with a 30 second transmission for decoding down to -28dB. Fire up those milliwatts!
- A software filter to limit the frequencies that the decoder will try to decode. Useful in crowded bands or for slow CPUs.
- Some tweaks to the decoder to allow it to be slightly more sensitive.
- Added validation to station add modal - Slow mode threshold is 1.25 seconds - Updated decoder with better debug handling. Fixed issue with E mode crashing on some decodes - Fixed signal subtraction for E speed signals - Added I decoder and reorganized the E selection code - Fixed typo in ifdef - Moved JS8E to 3.125 baud instead of 3 baud. - I believe SNR should be the min between xbase and xnoi...let's try - Removing leftover ft8 files. Cleaning up sync code. - Proper SNR calculations for each mode speed under additive gaussian white noise - Fixed symlink for ft8 params - Decoder does not need to emit debug by default - Updated js8 params - Fixed #280: sync to station right click option. - Time drift menu option should have units - Added SKYWARN group to built-in groups list - Added debug statements for costas - Set I decode default setting - Updated hamlib interface to use new unsigned int for vfo_t - Added SPEED to spots to JS8NET - Fixed #277: callsign deselect while hbing during qso - Added software filter to waterfall controls to allow for a way to skip decoding signals outside of the filter range. Useful in a crowded band to prevent decodes from polluting your RX window - Fixed some settings bugs related to filtering - Added filter tooltips - Customized min and max filter positions - Reorganized waterfall controls and timing controls under one sizeable pane - Added vertical spacing to the waterfall controls - Added right click context menu to waterfall for easily setting filter parameters - Typo...missed Hz in context menu - Added tooltips to waterfall controls - Fixed minimum size for waterfall controls - Children collapsible should be false - Fixed initial state of waterfall controls menu item - Added the ability to adjust the filter mask opacity - Widegraph tweaks
If you run into any issues, be sure to submit them to the issue tracker: https://bitbucket.org/widefido/js8call/issues?status=new&status=open
You can read the JS8Call documentation here and you can download JS8Call from http://files.js8call.com/latest.html.