WSJT-X 2.3.1 released + WSJT-X 2.4.0 RC4 available for download.
The WSJT-X development team has announced two new releases of program WSJT-X: a General Availability (GA) release of version 2.3.1, and release candidate RC4 of version 2.4.0. Please read this announcement and relevant sections of the Release Notes carefully.
- WSJT-X 2.3.1 is a bug-fix release. It includes updates to the User Guide covering new modes FST4 and FST4W, and repairs defects and regressions discovered since the v2.3.0 release. Further details of changes since v2.3.0 can be found in the Release Notes:
Scroll down to the section titled “Release: WSJT-X 2.3.1” and dated
“Mar 26, 2021.”Links to WSJT-X 2.3.1 installation packages for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh are available here: - Release candidate WSJT-X 2.4.0-rc4 includes the new digital mode Q65.
Q65 is designed for two-way QSOs over especially difficult propagation paths including ionospheric scatter, troposcatter, rain scatter, TEP, EME, and other types of fast-fading signals. Details and recommendations concerning the Q65 submodes are provided in the “Quick-Start Guide to Q65”, available here: WSJT-X User Guide now includes details about Q65 and is available here:
Changes since WSJT-X 2.4.0-rc3 are summarized at the top of Release Notes:
Links to WSJT-X 2.4.0-rc4 installation packages for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh are available here:
Scroll down to find “Candidate release: WSJT-X 2.4.0-rc4”.
- WSJT-X 2.3.1 is a bug-fix release. It includes updates to the User Guide covering new modes FST4 and FST4W, and repairs defects and regressions discovered since the v2.3.0 release. Further details of changes since v2.3.0 can be found in the Release Notes:
You can also download the packages from our SourceForge site:
It may take a short time for the SourceForge site to be updated.
GENERAL ADVICE FOR UPGRADING: If you are not currently interested in Q65 you should update to WSJT-X 2.3.1. If you wish to participate in testing and reporting feedback on Q65, you should upgrade to WSJT-X 2.4.0-rc4. Please remember that by using a release candidate you are joining a beta test group. This brings a responsibility to report your experiences on one of the relevant user forums.
WSJT-X is licensed under the terms of Version 3 of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Development of this software is a cooperative project to which many amateur radio operators have contributed. If you use our code, please have the courtesy to let us know about it. If you find bugs or make improvements to the code, please report them to us in a timely fashion.
The authors and Copyright holders of WSJT-X request that derivative works do not publish programs based on features in WSJT-X before those features are made available in a General Availability (GA) release of WSJT-X. We will cease making public Release Candidate (RC) pre-releases for testing and user early access purposes if this request is ignored.
We hope you will enjoy using this candidate release of WSJT-X 2.4.0 and exercising the new mode Q65. Please report on your Q65 experiences, successful and otherwise, on one of the WSJT forums. Bugs should be reported by following instructions found here in the User Guide:
Release: WSJT-X 2.3.1 Mar 26, 2021 --------------------- WSJT-X 2.3.1 General Availability release updates the User Guide to cover the new modes FST4 and FST4W along with sample .WAV files and decoding tutorials. This release also repairs a number of defects and regressions discovered since the v2.3.0 release, including those below. - When sending traffic to a multicast UDP server ensure that the local loop-back interface is used if no others are selected. - Repair a defect in instance lock file handling that causes an infinite loop on start up. - Invert the PTT serial port sharing default behaviour, and enable sharing when non-Hamlib CAT control is combined with direct serial port PTT control. - Allow the FST4 and FST4W decoders to continue after the first successful decode when using negative NB values to try multiple NB values. - Repair defects in auto-sequencing, particularly with responding to a repeated final message. In general a double-click of the repeated message now does the right thing. - Repair a regression that had inadvertently disabled EU VHF Contest mode when using the MSK144 mode. - Repair a defect that could caused incorrect log entry fields when using FT4 mode and a priori (AP) decoding. - Repair defects saving .WAV files for periods with decodes. - Offer a new scheme for adjusting macOS shared memory parameters.