WSJT-X version 2.5.1 released
The development team have announced the General Availability (GA) release of WSJT-X version 2.5.1.
This release mainly contains improvements and defect repairs related to Q65 and JT65 modes when used with non-standard and compound calls. Also included is a new feature for microwave aircraft scatter, and repairs for defects detected since the 2.5.0 GA release.
A full list of changes can be found in the Release Notes:
IMPORTANT: If you expect to use the JT65 or Q65 modes to make weak-signal QSOs that involve a nonstandard callsign, be sure to upgrade to WSJT-X 2.5.1!
Links to WSJT-X 2.5.1 installation packages for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh are available here:
You can also download the packages from our SourceForge site:
WSJT-X is licensed under the terms of Version 3 of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Development of this software is a cooperative project to which many amateur radio operators have contributed. If you use our code, please have the courtesy to let us know about it. If you find bugs or make improvements to the code, please report them to us in a timely fashion.
The authors and Copyright holders of WSJT-X request that derivative works should not publish programs based on features in WSJT-X before those features are made available in a General Availability (GA) release of WSJT-X. We will cease making public Release Candidate (RC) pre-releases for testing and user early access purposes if this request is ignored.
Bugs should be reported by following instructions found here in the User Guide:
We hope you will enjoy using WSJT-X 2.5.1.
73 from Joe, K1JT; Bill, G4WJS; Steve, K9AN; and Nico, IV3NWV