RUMlogNG version 5.9.1 released.
Tom Lindner (DL2RUM) has released v5.9.1 of RUMlogNG for direct download or via the App Store.
RUMlogNG is a HAM radio logging, QSL handling and printing tool, especially made for the short wave DXer, made by a DXer. Basic logging features are included for the higher bands up to 1.2 cm and for satellite. RUMlogNG can handle an unlimited number of logs and an unlimited number of QSOs per log. Clublog data are used for automatic DXCC recognition.
Four user definable logging fields are available for your convenience.
Work in your favorite contests or run a dx-pedition using RUMlog, including full scoring and ESM mode.
Using RUMlogNG you can print QSL label and manage your incoming paper QSLs. The Logbook of The World (LoTW) and eQSL are fully supported, and you can create files for the Global QSL service very quick. You can get different statistics for paper- or LoTW QSLs. It’s just a mouse click to upload or download new QSLs to/from eQSL or LoTW.
RUMlogNG can use the K7PT dx activity and QSL manager database to inform you about current dx activities and it can build and use an own manager and IOTA database, extracting the information from dx-cluster spots. Provisions are made to query the or online library.
RUMlogNG keeps you up to date about worked, confirmed or missing DXCCs and provides you with country lists and detailed statistics. Quick log searches or more detailed log queries and export routines are possible.
RUMlogNG can establish a dx-cluster connection via the internet or to your local skimmer. A simple terminal is integrated for a Packet Radio connection. RUMlogNG will separate DX-spots and alert you ,new one’ DXCC or IOTA spotted.
RUMlogNG can interface with your transceiver, setting the main parameter on your TRX from the logbook or vice versa. Kenwood, Elecraft, Yaesu and Icom transceivers are supported. More controls are provided for the Elecraft K3 or KX3. It can control the K1EL Winkey chip. microHAM devices are supported, the MKII and DKII are fully configurable.
RUMlogNG has import and export functions to allow exchange of log data to other logging tools.
Except the DXCC statistics, RUMlogNG tracks the most interesting areas of the world for the most important awards: IOTA islands, CQ zones, ITU zones, Grid Squares, US States, US Counties, German DOKs and more.
RUMlogNG interacts with Clublog and keeps your online log synchronized in real time.
What’s New in Version 5.9.1:
- Fix: Modes and Submodes acc. ADIF 3.1.3
- New: 13cm and 23cm in callsign, continent and DXCC statistic tables. (Contest module)
- New: Visualisation of daylight, night or dusk of the contacted station by symbols (shown above the local time)
- New: User fields can be used for MY_WWFF_REF and WWFF_REF ADIF tags (new in ADIF 3.1.3)
- New: MY_WWFF_REF ADIF tag for Special Operation ADIF Export (new in ADIF 3.1.3)
What’s New in Version 5.8 Released April 28, 2022:
- New: Tuning step popup menues in all Icom control windows
- New: Tuning with Left/right arrow keys in all Icom control and scope windows
- New: Scroll though memories using the up/down arrow keys in all Icom control windows
- New: Memory popup menues in all Icom control windows show now the memory names
- New: Dx-Spot indication in the Icom Scope windows
- New: Improved connection reliability to Icom server using LAN or WLAN
- New: Minnesota QSO Party
Ratings and Reviews
As always, RUMlogNG is available free of charge via the Mac App Store or for direct download HERE.
You can find out more on the RUMlogNG user forum as well as on their Facebook group page. RUMlogNG Support