SkookumLogger v4.0 now available
Bill Myers, K1GQ has released the latest version of the contest logging software SkookumLogger for macOS.
SkookumLogger is a full-featured contest logging program suitable for the most demanding contester. It runs on MacOS, supporting single-mode and and mixed-mode events on 13 bands between 160m and 23cm. SkookumLogger requires a K1EL WinKeyer or a YCCC SO2R Box to send CW.
Some SkookumLogger Features
- Any number of QSOs per log
- Two QSO entry boxes supporting interleaved SO1R, SO2V, SO2R/2BSIQ with one keyboard
- Duplicate checking as callsigns are entered
- Exchange Archive (personal call history file) for exchange pre-fill
- Partial callsign matching against log, Exchange Archive, and Super Check Partials (SCP) database
- Integrated download of the SCP and cty.dat databases
- Integrated Cabrillo upload to support SCP
- Separate activity table windows (like band maps) for each contest band
- Multiplier checksheets for countries, regions, prefixes, zones, grids, other
- Time Tracker and Rate Tracker panels
- Score window with band breakdown and scoring for most contests
- Bidirectional DX Cluster packet spotting interface, with skimmer and QSX support
- CW call type-ahead and CW keyboard mode
- Context-sensitive, queued message sending for CW, SSB (using radio DVR), FSK/PSK (using radio encoder)
- Magic Message, like ESM with user-defined trigger key
- Great circle maps with terminator and antenna pattern overlays
- SkookumNet networking for multi-operator/multi-transmitter configurations
- Amplifier standby/operate and drive power controls
- Rotator direction display and control
- Panadapter display with graphical known-activity overlays and radio frequency control
- K1EL WinKeyer with KEY1/KEY2 management
- YCCC SO2R Box+ and YCCC SO2R Mini interfaces, including their WinKeyer emulations
- YCCC MOAS antenna switch interface
- XK-24 Keypad interface with red/blue backlights
- Cabrillo export for submitting log entries
- ADIF and CSV export for moving contest QSOs to a general-purpose logger
- Automated log submission via Apple Mail and via web browser
- Statistics report for post-contest analysis of your contest log
- CW Practice mode for developing your contest logging skills off the air
Changes in version 4.0 2023-08-01
- All documentation has been merged into the updated SkookumLogger Guide.
- Kentucky QSO Party In Kentucky. The Other multiplier type is KY-county-per-call-per-mode qsos. KY is not counted as a state multiplier.
- “Log > Append to Last QSO Notes” transfers keyboard focus to the Notes cell in the log table row for the most recent QSO. Keyboard focus returns to the log when you finish editing.
- Font & Color settings now use the System monospaced font.
- The size of QSO Entry field text has increased from 14 to 16 points.
- The Grid Information window Target Grid field now tracks the Target Point coordinates, and the reverse geocode lookup happens automatically.
- Editing a special character now takes effect immediately, no need to tap tab or return. The special character entry fields now ignore characters other than ` [ ] \ ; ‘ : ” < and >
- Changing a log’s rules to an incompatible new rules set now generates a warning in the Status Messages window.
- California QSO Party Inside rules now use standard Canadian provinces and territories, and limit the maximum number of multipliers to 58.
- The Rate Breakdown Report now creates separate tables for each operator.
- The window for interfacing with a radio’s decoding and encoding capabilities is now named Text Decode/Encode.
- Text encoding now supports sending CW messages when the Text Decode/Encode window is open. Call type-ahead is not available in this case.
- Users are now responsible for turning on a radio’s decoder when they want to use it for decoding CW, FSK, or PSK.
- Some special characters could not be reassigned. Thanks W2RU.
- The “His Call + Acknowledge + Log QSO” message was failing to send HisCall. Thanks W2RU.
- All Asian DX Cabrillo output was missing ages. Thanks VE3MM.
- Opening the Panadapter window with no available video capture device was causing a crash.
- Changing a log’s contest rules wasn’t changing the visible log table columns when necessary. Thanks AI6W.
- Cabrillo export for the UBA DX Contest was filling the received info field for ON stations with “–” instead of UBA sections.
- North American QSO Party wasn’t limiting country multipliers to countries in North America. Thanks AI6W.
- North American QSO Party wasn’t properly guessing pre-fill for DX QSOs — DXCC for stations in NA, ‘DX’ otherwise.
- Holding a menu open was stalling CW sending with the YCCC SO2R Box keyer. Thanks AI6W.
- County pre-fill wasn’t disabled for rovers in Outside QSO Parties.
The latest version of SkookumLogger is available free of charge for download here or visit the App Store.