Station Snapshot – PP5/HB9CJX
This edition of Station Snapshot comes to us from Brazil and the station of Marco (PP5/HB9CJX). Like a previous Station Snapshot subject, DC7VS, Marco is a long-time Apple user. He writes “I am a proud member of ARRL, DARC D22, USKA and HSC. I have been using Apple products for more then 20 years together with different ham hardware. For the last three years, I have been living in Porto Uniāo – Santa Catarina – Brasil. I am very active on PSK31, JT65 and CW.” According to Marco’s website, he is a fan of RUMlog for regular logging and RUMped for contest logging and has developed several contest plugins for RUMped as well.
Marco also shared a very nice picture of his shack:
Continuing on, Marco wrote that he “loves to be in touch with my friends from DARC D22 (social media), the first virtual OV in Germany! and requested that you visit his website at for more information about his station and his hobby.
Thank you, Marco, for sharing the details of your station and for checking in from Brazil!
If you’re reading this and are interested in having your station profiled as a Station Snapshot, send a brief description of your station, hardware and software in use, along with any interesting tidbits of information to [email protected]. We will profile one station every week or two and you will be able to share your hobby with other MacHamRadio users around the world.