RUMlogNG now available via Mac App Store
Thomas Lindner (DL2RUM) is proud to announce that RUMlogNG is now available via the Mac App Store. Effective with v1.0.9, Apple has accepted the software into the App Store system. Although this software is also available for download from Thomas’ website, the App Store version includes built-in support for Apple Maps, showing the location of the DX stations as they are entered into the log fields or selected in the DX Cluster.
RUMlogNG is the next-generation of Thomas’ excellent RUMlog logging software and incorporates logging, rig control, Winkey support, DX Cluster, LoTW/eQSL/Clublog, support for HamQTH or XML lookups, award tracking, QSL printing, integration with Fldigi for digital modes, and much more.
Thomas shares “I want to encourage all new users and even the classic version users to see the documentation. At least the ‘First steps’ section is recommended to read. The documentation is available in the App itself in the Help menu.”
As always, RUMlogNG is available free of charge and can be downloaded either from Thomas’ website or from the Mac App Store.