SkookumLogger v2.3.4 now available

Bill Myers, K1GQ, released version 2.3.4 of his contest logging software SkookumLogger for macOS.

SkookumLogger is a full-featured contest software package suitable for the most demanding contester.

2.3.4 Release Notes


For the Generic Grid contest module, the minimum grid character count is now 4 instead of 6. Thanks WA1Z.

The Morse ► Immediate Morse Mode command has been replaced by the View ► Keyboard Mode command. The new command has the same keyboard shortcut (⌘K) as the old command and the same behavior when the transmit radio is in CW mode. When the transmit radio is in FSK or PSK mode, the new command transfers keyboard focus to a new text entry field in the Decoded Text window. When you type the return key, the content of that field is transmitted using the radio’s text-to-data encoder. Thanks WA1Z.

Broken code relating to dealing with opening corrupt logs and logs with old contest names has been repaired. For the later case, the old contest name is changed to General Logging. The new File ► Change Log’s Contest Rules… command can then optionally be used to change General Logging to another contest name. This is an advanced option and should be applied only to a copy of the original log; results are undefined if the choice of new contest name doesn’t have the same exchange fields as the original log. Thanks GØDVJ for reminding me of the ugly prior behavior, including crashes and alerts that wouldn’t go away.

Mode-text coloring when sending messages has been augmented: red when a message is sending, orange when message is sending and another message is queued to be sent. Thanks JH5GHM.

Misfeatures fixed

The ARRL Sweepstakes CW module had two bugs that caused every QSO to be marked Suspect, and failed to explain why. This release will open existing SS CW logs and score them properly. Thanks W2RU and K2QO.

Now prevent a rare crash caused when presenting a list of available serial post names and one of the port names is undefined. Thanks BG5EEF.

Identifying multipliers in NYQP, Inside has been corrected. Thanks K2QO.

A combination of Automatic Rebuild enabled, SkookumNet in use and DX Cluster in use (G3CO operation in CQ WW SSB) exposed a threading issue. The Automatic Rebuild preference has been removed; internal data structures are now (safely) rebuilt only when you manually choose Log ► Rebuild Checksheets. Thanks GØDVJ.

The statistics report was generating the same table (Countries) for all six kinds of multipliers. Thanks JH5GHM.

The latest version of SkookumLogger is available free of charge for download here.