SkookumLogger v3.12 now available
Bill Myers, K1GQ has released version 3.12 of the contest logging software SkookumLogger for macOS.
SkookumLogger is a full-featured contest logging program suitable for the most demanding contester. It runs on MacOS, supporting single-mode and and mixed-mode events on 13 bands between 160m and 23cm. SkookumLogger requires a K1EL WinKeyer or a YCCC SO2R Box to send CW.
Some SkookumLogger Features
- Any number of QSOs per log
- Two QSO entry boxes supporting interleaved SO1R, SO2V, SO2R/2BSIQ with one keyboard
- Duplicate checking as callsigns are entered
- Exchange Archive (personal call history file) for exchange pre-fill
- Partial callsign matching against log, Exchange Archive, and Super Check Partials (SCP) database
- Integrated download of the SCP and cty.dat databases
- Separate activity table windows (like band maps) for each contest band
- Multiplier checksheets for countries, regions, prefixes, zones, grids, other
- Time Tracker and Rate Tracker panels
- Score window with band breakdown and scoring for most contests
- Bidirectional DX Cluster packet spotting interface, with skimmer and QSX support
- CW call type-ahead and CW keyboard mode
- Context-sensitive, queued message sending for CW, SSB (using radio DVR), FSK/PSK (using radio encoder)
- Great circle maps with terminator and antenna pattern overlays
- SkookumNet networking for multi-operator/multi-transmitter configurations
- Amplifier standby/operate and drive power controls
- Rotator direction display and control
- Elecraft P3SVGA panadapter display with graphical known-activity overlays
- YCCC SO2R Box+ and YCCC SO2R Mini interfaces including their WinKeyer emulations
- YCCC MOAS antenna switch interface
- XK-24 Keypad interface with red/blue backlights
- Cabrillo export for submitting log entries
- ADIF and CSV export for moving contest QSOs to a general-purpose logger
- Automated log submission via Apple Mail and via web browser
- Statistics report for post-contest analysis of your contest log
- CW Practice mode for developing your running skills off the air
Changes in version 3.12 2023-02-01
- Some windows now have gear buttons at the top right that open the appropriate settings panel for the windows. These panels can be dismissed with File > Close Window.
- Map windows now have text buttons in their toolbars that are shortcuts for commands buried in nested Window > Maps menus.
- File > Import Cabrillo now fills an empty SkookumLogger log with the data contained in a Cabrillo file, for any contest supported by SkookumLogger. See the Log Import, Export and Reports topic in the Help Book.
- Added support for the RSGB 4m CW contest. Thanks GØDVJ.
- Preliminary support for WRTC 2022 has been added based on WRTC 2018, with pending questions about software features required by the rules.
- Added buffering for keyboard CW characters when sending with the YCCC SO2R Box+. Thanks AI6W.
- The background color for Map windows is now the system color for text backgrounds and correctly adapts to the system Dark/Light appearance setting.
- Replaced the Name exchange entry field with report fields for the New Mexico QSO Party. Thanks N5ZGT.
- Augmented initialization of audio routing configuration when changing operating mode. For 2T2R the Not Sending, Radio 1 Transmits and Radio 2 Transmits choices are set to Both, Radio 2, and Radio 1 respectively, and choices and blending are enabled. For 1T*R, the three routing choices are set all set to Radio 1, and all choices and blending are disabled.
- The 2023 start dates for RSGB and UKEIDX contests have been updated. Thanks GØDVJ.
- Dysfunctional Practice mode support for NAQP has been removed. Thanks N5EP.
- The internal database containing URLs for rules and log submission has been scrubbed. The logic for the Help Menu items for showing contest rules has been changed to display the Contest Rules Summary page on the WA7BNM Contest Calendar site if there is one, otherwise to display the Contest Rules URL from the internal database.
- The Country checksheet was showing a duplicate empty row for each worked country, and omitting rows for unworked countries.
- Sent report entry fields were missing for Generic contests. Thanks AF8A.
- The data source for K4 Mini-Pan A window wasn’t being restricted to Radio 1.
- Multiple phrases in the QSO Notes field were missing spaces between them. Thanks AI6W.
- Logic for extracting items from the DX Cluster spots comment field was omitting the last item.
- Checksheets were not being cleared when resetting a log.
- Winter Field Day was rejecting M in the Class+Category entry field. Thanks N5EP and KB1BPM.
The latest version of SkookumLogger is available free of charge for download here or visit the App Store.
February 7, 2023 @ 12:30 am
Header “Changes in version 3.12 2022-02-01”
2022 -> 2023 😉
February 7, 2023 @ 1:00 am
heehee. Thanks for the correction Mike.
On the bright side, I haven’t accidentally written 1976 for a date in a while -)
/steve -w1hs-