WSPR Watch for IOS version 4.7 released
WSPR Watch for IOS is a utility for ham radio users of the WSPRnet, PSKReporter or Reverse Beacon network. Quickly shows who can hear you and details of each spot.
Tap a spot in the table to look up the call on
Export produces a tab delimited CSV file that can be sent to Numbers for sorting, filtering and graphing beyond what is in the app itself.
What’s New in Version 4.7:
- Show errors from WSPRnet – was failing silently
- Fix WSPRnet olddb which has changed
- Dots on chart more clearly show Tx or Rx
- Faster drawing on Mercator map
- Support back to iOS 16.0
- Show first name in spot info
Version 4.6 released on November 11, 2023 included the following changes:
- Added a setting to show the spots on a map in Mercator projection, so you see the whole world.
Version 4.5 released on October 30, 2023 included the following changes:
- Reduce text size on smaller screens to avoid clipping
- Shows the data source name at the top of the spot list rather than “WSPR Watch”
- Hide the spot info if you change tabs to help VoiceOver
- Hide icon names in settings from VoiceOver
- Don’t wrap spot cell text items
- Improvements to VoiceOver reading of the spot list
Version 4.4 released on October 23, 2023 included the following changes:
- Remembers the selected tab and goes to it on next launch
- Show progress during WSPR generate
- Show mode in spot list
- Display lat, lng in WSPR tone generator
- Tap the lat, lng to copy to clipboard