MacLoggerDX Version 5.45 released
Dog Park Software is pleased to announce that version 5.45 of MacLoggerDX has been released and can be downloaded from:<>
What’s New in this version:
- Disconnect radio after 30 failed polls.
- Spots Panel – Control-click Show/Hide Alarms/Look Up/Tune.
- Log Panel – Control-click Display/Update/Export/Delete.
- Added Keyer repeat at interval.
- Show/hide bands in Band Plan Prefs.
- Show/hide log columns in Log Prefs.
- Added 60M Band filter.
- Added 60M to Band Panel.
- Added QSL Panel Mark Sent Button.
- Added CQ DX Marathon year counts to DXCC and CQ WAZ Awards Panels.
- Confirm QSOs with close timing.
- K3 2 Meter option.
- Improved FT-100 driver.
- Added QSL Received search to Awards Panels.
- Web Map Look up fixed.
- Switched from Threads to GCD.
- Log Panel date search localization bug fixed.
- TS-590S Added TX Parameter for Radio PTT audio routing.