Station Snapshot – WW2DX
Welcome to the inaugural Station Snapshot on MacHamRadio. It is fitting that our first Snapshot is that of Lee (WW2DX), the owner of MacHamRadio and, a member of the W1I 2014 WRTC team, and an avid DXer. Lee (WW2DX) shares the following information and snapshots of his “battle station”.
From left to right: Left two monitors are running PC-BSD, The remaining five are running OS X Mavericks on a i7 Mac Mini with fusion drive with synergy across multiple hardware/operating systems. K3/0-Mini seen powered up. Keyboard is a Unicomp “buckling spring” keyboard, key is a Begaili and the speakers are Audioengine A1’s. Under the far right monitor is a K3/100 + P3. To the right are a pair of FT-2000’s we are testing for twin remote mode. To the far right is a remote setup with the K3/100 + Expert 1K-FA amp. Logger is RUMlog
If you’re reading this and are interested in having your station profiled as a Station Snapshot, contact us with a brief description of your station, hardware and software in use, along with any interesting tidbits of information t. We will profile one station every week or two and you will be able to share your hobby with other MacHamRadio users around the world.