SkookumLogger v2.2.0 now available
Bill Myers, K1GQ, released version 2.2.0 of his contest logging software SkookumLogger.
SkookumLogger is a full-featured contest software package suitable for the most demanding contester.
New Features in SkookumLogger v2.2.0
New features
Practice mode simulates CW pileups. When the mode is enabled, CW messages are handled by the practice mode processor instead of your WinKeyer. You hear transmitted messages via the audio device you have selected in the Output tab of your Sound system preferences. When transmission ends, you hear messages from callers in the pileup that depend on the kind of message that was transmitted. This mode (should) help you get comfortable using SkookumLogger for running on CW. Documentation is the Practice Mode topic of SkookumLogger Help. Thanks GØDVJ, JH5GHM, WA1Z, W2RU.
Everything relating to IARU call history files has been removed.
IARU Society code guessing based on the country of a call has been removed.
Many changes for various UK contests; mostly dates, one rules change, one new contest. Thanks GØDVJ.
Focusing a call entry field now restores the insertion cursor to the location it had when the field was last focused. Previously the cursor was always located at the end of the text in the field. Thanks JH5GHM.
The latest version of SkookumLogger is available free of charge for download here.