CI-V Redirect version 1.0 released.
Mac users have long had to deal with variable USB device names for Icom radios (and others that use Silicon Labs USB drivers). Sometimes the radio is at /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART, sometimes /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART1, sometimes /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART?. CI-V Redirect, from Kok Chen, W7AY attempts to make life a little bit easiler by creating a fixed name for the IC-7610’s USB CI-V port. (additional radios may be supported in the future).
When the CI-V Recirect program runs, it will allow the CI-V port to appear as an immutable address (/tmp/7610civ). Even when the actual device address of the CI-V port changes, this immutable address does not change. CI-V Redirect attempts to track the transceiver’s CI-V port across radio power cycles.
CI-V Redirect does not present a user window. The connection state can be obtained through the dock menu.
CI-V Redirect is available as a free download. Additional information and download information can be found at W7AY’s website.