Station Snapshot – K0HYD
This edition of the Station Snapshot comes to us from the world of HamNation and the station of Dale Puckett, K0HYD.
Dale was recently featured in an article here on for his work in perfecting an AppleScript used to log QSOs from Fldigi into MacLoggerDX. Dale is also an active contributor to the HamNation broadcast on Twit.Tv.
Dale writes: “The rig is a Yaseu FTdx5000 driving an Alpha 9500 into a SteppIR DB-18. The HF-AUTO tuner from Palstar is used to match a 43-foot DX Engineering all band vertical on 80 and 160 meters.”
“All logging is done with MacLoggerDX. Digital operations are all conducted using FLDIGI and FLRIG. The Navigator interface controls the rig and provides high quality audio to FLDIGI. The computer is a current 21.5-inch iMac. Additionally, there is a mixer for equalization on the audio from the receiver. It is also part of the equation during the streaming video feeds we originate during the Ham Nation Post Show Net on 40 meters every Wednesday night.”
“The Hallicrafters S-38E, is a close replica of the S-38D that was my first commercial receiver back in 1956. My first receiver was a home-brew, three tube regenerative receiver. The Kenwood TM-D710 VHF/UHF rig is used to talk on the local repeaters.”
Dale also provided the following picture of his station with “the erie glow of the LEDs.”
As mentioned earlier, Dale spends some of his time every other week hosting the video segment on Ham Nation which can be seen at 8pm CDT on TWIT.TV/live. Archived podcasts are also available at TWIT.TV/hn at anytime and the video segments are also available at
Thank you, Dale, for the Station Snapshot and for your support of MacHamRadio.
If you’re reading this and are interested in having your station profiled as a Station Snapshot, contact us with a brief description of your station, hardware and software in use, along with any interesting tidbits of information t. We will profile one station every week or two and you will be able to share your hobby with other MacHamRadio users around the world.