One of the first Mac Ham Software developers, well-Known Moonbouncer and VHF-UHF DXer David Anderson, GM4JJJ, SK
03/15/2019 ARRL News
A luminary in the moonbounce and VHF-UHF DX arena, David Anderson, GM4JJJ, of Dunfermline, Scotland, died on March 15. Anderson was the developer of MoonSked software for EME.
“He had been fighting spinal cancer through many years of remission and relapse, which often made it difficult to come on the radio,” his friend Ian White, GM3SEK, explained. “David did everything he could to remain active, and was always making positive plans for the future.”
White said Anderson used his programming skills to work around the disabling effects of his condition, configuring his shack for convenient control from his iPad.
FT8 co-developer Joe Taylor, K1JT, expressed personal sorrow at Anderson’s passing.
“David was my first-ever EME QSO, using JT44 on 2 meters,” he recounted on the Moon-Net reflector. “We all have relied on his skillfully crafted MoonSked software, for many years. He was always friendly and helpful, especially to newcomers. His loss will be deeply felt by many, many hams around the world.”