Station Snapshot – M3UHQ
This time, Station Snapshot is paying a visit to the shack of Lawrie (M3UHQ) of Plymouth, England. Lawrie is another recent convert to the OS X platform, having come over from windows.
Lawrie’s station is quite extensive. Among his numerous radio are a Kenwood TS-480 SAT, Yaesu FT-817ND, MFJ-971 14MHz monoband radio, YouKits TJ5A, several Baofeng and Yaesu handhelds, and a Superstar 10/12m Mobile. Additionally he has several receivers including an Uniden BCT15x, Realistic DX200, and a Kenwood R600.
His antenna setup is also quite diverse, including a Hustler 4-BTV, a Alexloop, a Homemade mag-loop and a whole host of portable antennas including a Miracle Whip, Wonderland Magnetic Loop, 14Mhz Monoband Whip, 21Mhz Monoband Whip and various Watson/Nagoya antennas for my HT’s. Finally he has a 2m/70cm beam connected to the window frame.
Being new to the Mac, Lawrie is interested in suggestions for software to use and thus I invite you to leave comments below letting him know about your favorite software, and why you like using it.
If you are reading this and are interested in having your station profiled in a Station Snapshot, send a brief description of your station, hardware and software in use, along with any interesting tidbits of information to [email protected]. We will be happy to profile your station and you will be able to share your hobby with other MacHamRadio users around the world.