Station Snapshot – OE2ATN
This edition of Station Snapshot takes us back across the Atlantic — this time to Austria and the shack of Thomas Müllauer (OE2ATN).
Tom attached several pictures of his equipment and shack, and shares “I love to experiment with every new ham radio associated software available for the Mac. The pictures show my portable GoBox for the KX3 as well as my shack. The external TFT display is very cool — often used to display the cluster.”
Full specs on the GoBox and more can be found on Tom’s site
I love the clean and organized shack, Tom, and that GoBox is VERY nice. Thank you for sharing your shack with the readers of MacHamRadio.
If you are reading this and are interested in having your station profiled as a Station Snapshot, send a brief description of your station, hardware and software in use, along with any interesting tidbits of information to [email protected]. We will be happy to profile your station and you will be able to share your hobby with other MacHamRadio users around the world.