SkookumLogger v4.3 now available
Bill Myers, K1GQ has released the latest version of the contest logging software SkookumLogger for macOS.
SkookumLogger is a full-featured contest logging program suitable for the most demanding contester. It runs on MacOS, supporting single-mode and and mixed-mode events on 13 bands between 160m and 23cm. SkookumLogger requires a K1EL WinKeyer or a YCCC SO2R Box to send CW.
Some SkookumLogger Features
- Any number of QSOs per log
- Two QSO entry boxes supporting interleaved SO1R, SO2V, SO2R/2BSIQ with one keyboard
- Duplicate checking as callsigns are entered
- Exchange Archive (personal call history file) for exchange pre-fill
- Partial callsign matching against log, Exchange Archive, and Super Check Partials (SCP) database
- Integrated download of the SCP and cty.dat databases
- Integrated Cabrillo upload to support SCP
- Separate activity table windows (like band maps) for each contest band
- Multiplier checksheets for countries, regions, prefixes, zones, grids, other
- Time Tracker and Rate Tracker panels
- Score window with band breakdown and scoring for most contests
- Bidirectional DX Cluster packet spotting interface, with skimmer and QSX support
- CW call type-ahead and CW keyboard mode
- Context-sensitive, queued message sending for CW, SSB (using radio DVR), FSK/PSK (using radio encoder)
- Magic Message, like ESM with user-defined trigger key
- Great circle maps with terminator and antenna pattern overlays
- SkookumNet networking for multi-operator/multi-transmitter configurations
- Amplifier standby/operate and drive power controls
- Rotator direction display and control
- Panadapter display with graphical known-activity overlays and radio frequency control
- K1EL WinKeyer with KEY1/KEY2 management
- YCCC SO2R Box+ and YCCC SO2R Mini interfaces, including their WinKeyer emulations
- YCCC MOAS antenna switch interface
- XK-24 Keypad interface with red/blue backlights
- Cabrillo export for submitting log entries
- ADIF and CSV export for moving contest QSOs to a general-purpose logger
- Automated log submission via Apple Mail and via web browser
- Statistics report for post-contest analysis of your contest log
- CW Practice mode for developing your contest logging skills off the air
Changes in version 4.3 2023-11-14
- The Status buttons for DX, Net, R1 and R2 open their windows when command-clicked, without changing status.
- An italic version of the macOS monospace system font is now used for worked-before and zero-point call adornment.
- Partial Call Matching
- The time needed to perform partial call matching has increased noticeably as the size of the Super Check Partial (SCP) database has grown to nearly 100,000 different calls. The effect is that each time you type a character in a call entry field, the character appears immediately, while the content of the partials pane updates a fraction of a second later. Changes to the Fuzzy similarity matching algorithm have made it about three times faster than before.
- The delay was also affecting the call field background highlighting, which has been almost entirely eliminated by reordering the steps in the algorithm.
- Audio Recording
- Resume event recording at startup if it was enabled when last quit and the current time is within the log’s contest period.
- Handle user edits in Time Tracker that affect whether or not event recording can be enabled.
- When recording a QSO, the recoding indicator begins animating when the QSO is logged and stops animating after Trailing seconds.
- SkookumLogger now posts an alert when you try to enable audio recording and it discovers you haven’t authorized access to the “microphone”.
- QSO Parties
- Changed the start date template for Illinois QSO Party from “Third Sunday in October” to “Sunday in Third full weekend in October”. Thanks N5EP.
- Added PA counties for Pennsylvania QSO Party Outside and removed support for Pennsylvania QSO Party Inside.
- Clarified SQ explanations for Inside QSO parties.
- Magic Message
- The Magic Message Protocol Version is now determined only by the choice in Messages setting.
- The title and shortcut for the Magic Message menu item in the Messages menu now indicate the active protocol which keyboard key is recognized by the protocol.
- The informational text in the Change Rules Chooser has additional detail about the limitations on the rules for the source and destination contests.
- Special key definition fields now accept any punctuation or symbol character except those reserved for QSO entry fields: & * , . / ? ° – _
- Quitting SkookumLogger while event audio recording was active sometimes corrupted the the recording file.
- Sending an empty PounceEnd message when logging a QSO in 2T2R failed to log the QSO.
- Entering a call that was not a dupe and was not a multiplier and was zero-point (as can happen in CQ WW) was displaying status as needed instead of zero-point. Thanks AI7SK.
- AZ, FL, GA, ID and Prairies Inside QSO Parties were incorrectly treating counties as multipliers.
- Repaired obtuse issues for California QSO Party Inside, including a bug in limiting the maximum multiplier count to less than size of the available multiplier pool, and a requirement to log correct county code, not CA.
- Typing an unrecognized character, like ‘(‘, into a QSO entry field was causing a crash when a special key definition was malformed. Thanks JH5GHM and AI6W.
The latest version of SkookumLogger is available free of charge for download here or visit the App Store.